NZTR Racing Update
As at Monday 20 September 5:30pm
Earlier this afternoon, the New Zealand Government announced that Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 at 11:59pm on Tuesday 21 September, and will remain in Alert Level 3 for at least two weeks, with this to be revised on Monday 4 October.
They additionally announced that a boundary approach and a Section 70 notice will be used to move the Mangatangi area to a “bespoke” Alert Level 4 until Friday 24 September.
The rest of New Zealand will remain in Alert Level 2, and the Government has stated that it will remain in Alert Level 2 for as long as Auckland is in Alert Level 3 or 4, i.e. for at least two weeks, with this to be revised on Monday 4 October.
However, the Alert Level 2 rules will be modified slightly, to allow a maximum of 100 people to gather, including at hospitality venues.
For the racing industry, this means that those racing clubs with racedays under Alert Level 2 will be allowed to have pockets of 100 people at the track.
Please note that the following meetings had already been announced as being “closed door” trial or race meetings:
- Tuesday 21 September – Cambridge trials;
- Tuesday 21 September – Foxton trials;
- Tuesday 21 September – Ashburton trials; and
- Wednesday 22 September – Cambridge races.
The main race meeting which has been impacted by this afternoon’s announcement is Great Northern Day, which is scheduled to take place on Sunday 3 October at Ellerslie. NZTR will provide an update on the scheduling of this race meeting in coming days.
Travel subsidy for Auckland trainers
NZTR is pleased to announce that they are implementing a travel subsidy for Auckland trainers to assist with additional staff and travel costs that they are faced with as a result of travel restrictions under Alert Level 3 and 4.
- The subsidy is $200 per runner.
- The subsidy is effective from 1 September, and therefore affected trainers may apply for backdated payments.
- NZTR will pay the subsidy to the trainers on a fortnightly basis.
- Trainers must opt in and apply to tyler.mcrobie@nztr.co.nz
As more information comes to hand over coming days, we will provide you with further updates.