NZTR Racing Update
30 August 2021
The industry is currently in a holding pattern awaiting 11.59pm on Tuesday, 31 August when the entire country south of Auckland will to move into Alert Level 3.
This was confirmed in the Prime Minister’s post-cabinet briefing today. It was also confirmed that while Auckland will remain in Alert Level 4 for a further two weeks, Northland could move to Alert Level 3 at 11.59pm on Thursday.
Racing will get underway on Wednesday with a marathon programme of 14 race days and four trial dates scheduled across the first 11 days of the month.
Given the pressure on the National Racing Bureau at this time the nominations for the CJC Cup week feature races which were due tomorrow have been put back a week until Tuesday 7 September.
The following changes to jumping dates and programmes were announced today:
- Te Aroha, Sunday 5 September, which was originally the Pakuranga meeting, will consist of Open Entry Jump races, as per the amended programme online.
- Nominations close Tuesday 31 August.
- The Pakuranga meeting will now push back two weeks to Sunday 19 September.
- The Pakuranga programme remains the same, with the exception of the R74 1200m which becomes an Open 1200m.
- Great Northern day will now be held on Sunday 3 October (Alert Levels allowing). If any programming changes are required these will be advised at a later date.
Vaccination video
The industry has come together with the codes, RIB and TAB NZ encouraging participants and stakeholders to get vaccinated.
Watch the video here.