NZTR Weekend Racing Update
As at Friday 20 August 4:30pm
Earlier this afternoon, the Government announced that Alert Level 4 would be extended nationwide until 11:59pm Tuesday 24 August.
Under Alert Level 4, race meetings, trials and jumpouts cannot take place. Therefore, all race meetings, trials and jumpouts scheduled up to and including Tuesday 24 August are abandoned.
From Wednesday 25 August, all scheduled race meetings will proceed as planned, at this stage, and will likely be conducted under Alert Level 3 protocols. NZTR is currently working through viable additional racing opportunities over the coming weeks to help compensate for the abandoned race meetings.
Everyone is reminded that they must wear masks in public places, and this includes when working with horses.
Everyone is also reminded that there are various Covid-19 financial support schemes available. For further information on these, you can head to: https://www.business.govt.nz/covid-19/financial-support-for-businesses/
As the situation evolves and as more information comes to hand over coming days, we will provide you with further updates where appropriate.