Jumps Trainer Q&A - Niall Quinn

19 July 2021

What is your earliest racing memory?  

 Everyone watching and betting on the English Grand National – for a lot of people it was their one bet for the year.  

How did you become involved with jumps racing? 

I got a job in a racing yard when I left school and really enjoyed it.  

What is your proudest career moment to date?  

Getting a range of people from all different backgrounds, some who had never raced a horse before, together to race Country Bumpkin and seeing how happy they were when he won was great.  

Is there one horse that has a particularly special place in your heart?  

Duffers Creek  

What jumps race would you love to win?  

The Grand National Steeplechase.  

What horse from your stable should we be keeping an eye out for this jumps season?  

Country Bumpkin.    

If you weren’t in racing, what would you be doing?  

Probably a politician, apparently I’m very good at talking!  

What advice would you give someone looking to enter the racing industry? 

You have to work hard, keep it simple and enjoy the highs as the lows. It can be disappointing at times, but you just have to keep going.  

Why do you love jumps racing? 

The camaraderie among the trainers and jockeys. The older trainers are very generous with their time and advice.  

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