Road to The Ned Prix de Fashion: Gabrielle Cashmore
The stakes are high, the competition fierce and now The Ned Prix de Fashion has its first qualifier! We caught up with Gabrielle Cashmore, who won the overall fashion in the field prize at Hawkes Bay Racing's Livamol Classic Day and automatic entry into the national fashion finals to be held at Ellerslie Racecourse, 6 March.
Firstly, a huge congratulations on your win at Hawkes Bay! What made you decide to enter?
I've always attended the Hawkes Bay races with a group of pals - we look forward to it every year! The first time I entered a fashion in the field competition was at Hawkes Bay, so it holds some special memories. It is always such a fun day out. This year in particular was so exciting - getting the chance to get dressed up after a long, dull winter!
Can you tell me a little about your outfit?
It was a dress that was bought from ASOS during lockdown (I think we all indulged in large amounts of online shopping), that was altered to have sleeves and a belt. My millinery was by Claire Hahn.
Where did you get your inspiration from?
Pintrest, Instagram and all around the place. I am forever saving photos and ripping pages out of magazines, trawling blogs and online stores!
What do you think made your look stand out from the rest?
My outfit was very coordinated. I have learnt from watching successful people in FITF that small details really tie an outfit together. I am lucky enough to have some amazing fashionista friends around me who give me great feedback on my outfits.
You are now officially qualified for the national fashion in the field final - The Ned Prix de Fashion at Ellerslie! What are you most looking forward to come 6 March?
I love seeing the creativity of outfits and how each person puts a different spin on trends and styles. It is also such a fantastic chance to catch up with friends who I have made all over the country through competing in fashions. I love to indulgence in a champagne or two and have a bet - even though I am terrible at it!
What trends are you expecting to be big this season (and take centre stage on The Ned Prix de Fashion runway!)?
Jewel tones and tailoring - it is great to see the details really considered and outfits tailored to suit the individual wearing it. I would love to see more own made and altered outfits that may have been upcycled.
For anyone looking to enter fashion in the field for the first time, what advice would you give them?
Do your research on what is appropriate for the track and trends for the season. Stalk fashionistas on Instagram and most importantly, have fun! The people in the fashion in the field community are super supportive - I have had people kindly lend me things, get me plasters when needed and act as my cheer squad. You really do make the most amazing friends through fashion in the field. You will become addicted very quickly!
Keen to learn a little more about The Ned Prix de Fashion? Check out our blog - Road to The Ned Prix de Fashion: Who, what, where, when and why?