Bernard's Blog - 24 January
The focus of the past week has clearly been around the Racing Industry Bill (Bill #2) with RITA’s Dean McKenzie holding a number of meetings around the country.
It has been clear from the numbers attending the meetings – commencing with around 120 people in attendance at Awapuni on Tuesday – that there is concern around some aspects of the Bill.
NZTR is continuing to work with RITA, as outlined in the handout provided at the meeting, to reach some agreement in the areas around governance; the dates process; and Intellectual Property.
In addition to this NZTR is in close consultation with the other two codes and stakeholder groups preparing a joint submission.
Those attending the meetings around the country have heard that RITA is “comfortable with 80-90% of the Bill” however that is not a view we can share. The Bill has moved away significantly from what was proposed by the Messara Report, and widely supported by the industry.
It does not deliver the monetary returns promised through the implementation of the Messara Report recommendations. The cherry-picking of recommendations and the subsequent tinkering by DIA has led to a document which relies heavily on government interference and which is not fit for purpose.
In NZTR’s view there are six areas that need to be improved to deliver the Minister’s intentions and they are:
- The governance and role of the TAB, including partnering with an overseas wagering operator;
- The functions and powers of the racing codes;
- Use and control of the industry’s intellectual property;
- The government’s ongoing role in running the racing industry;
- The proposed Racing Integrity Board, and
- The distribution policy (ie the “old” section 16).
All is not lost however, as the Select Committee process does provide an opportunity for the industry to be very clear regarding its views on this Bill and what needs to be done to resuscitate it. As we have mentioned previously, the Messara Report gave us the blueprint for revitalisation of our industry. Returning to the essence of that document should be the over riding message we all deliver through our submissions to Select Committee.
Now is not the time for apathy. We have seen an incredible ground swell of unity and determination from within the industry to get this right.
Every person with an interest in racing should be making a submission on this Bill and the need for Select Committee to listen to the industry and make the necessary changes. This is our once-in-20-years opportunity to create the step changes required to turn our industry around.
For information on how to make a submission on the Racing Industry Bill visit this page.