
A collection of useful forms you will need to carry out various activities

Please note you will need Acrobat Reader to open these forms. To download them, please choose one of the following options:

  1. Click on the link and the form will download and you can then print it and send it to NZTR.
  2. Right click on the link and select 'Save Target As...' and once saved to your computer, open with Adobe Acrobat Reader to print out the form and send it to NZTR.

Fee Notice

Charges do apply for some activities, view a current list of fees.

  Online Licencing Applications
  Class A | Jockey Licence Application
  Class B | Apprentice Jockey Application New Zealand
  Class C | Probationer Application New Zealand
  Class D | Jumps Rider's Licence
  Class E | Amateur Rider Application
  International | Visiting Jockey
  Class A | Trainers Licence Application (Formerly Licensed Trainer)
  Class B | Trainers Licence Application (Formerly Permit to Train)
  Class C | Trainers Licence Application (formerly Owner Trainer)
  International | Visiting Trainer
  Stablehand/Trackwork Rider
  Class A Miscellaneous | Stablehand Application Form
  Class B Miscellaneous | Slow Trackwork Rider Application Form
  Class B Miscellaneous | Fast Trackwork Rider Application Form
  International Visiting | Stable Assistant
  International Visiting | Trackwork Rider
  NZTR Nominated Training Horse
  Riders Agent
  Class C Miscellaneous | Riders Agent
Reference Ownership
SR5 Authority to Sign
SR20 Notice of Change of Ownership of a Horse
SR20A Additional Seller/Lessor
SR20B Additional Owner/Lessee
SR14 Appointment of a Racing Manager
SR16 Lease of a Racehorse
SR1 Cancellation/Extension of a Lease
Reference Registrations
SR19 Application for Naming (Registration) of a Horse
SR4 Colours Application Form
SR11 Application to Transfer Colours
SR35 Stable Return
SR24 Notification of Retirement or Death of a Thoroughbred
Reference Companies / Legal Entities
SR13 Application for Legal Entity
Reference Licence and Registration | PDF format
C4 Class A, B, C | Trainers Licence Application
C5 Class D | Jumps & Highweight Rider's Licence
C6 Class A | Jockey Licence Application
C7 Class C | Probationer Application New Zealand
C8 Class B | Apprentice Jockey Application New Zealand
C9 Class E | Amateur Rider Application
C10 Licence Relinquishment Application
C11 Partnership Licence Relinquishment Application
C13 Transfer of Apprenticeship
C14 Application to Loan Apprentice
C15 Approved Employer
C16 Application for a Grant from General Trust Fund
C32 Apprentice Jockeys Fund Application
C34 Betting Account Declaration
C54 Class C | Miscellaneous | Riders Agent
C60 Stablehand Application Form
C61 Stablehand Transfer Notification
C62 Slow Trackwork Rider Application Form
C63 Fast Trackwork Rider Application Form
NH01 Nominated Training Horse Form
C70 Authorised Syndicator Application Form & Compliance Agreement (2016)
HM01 Horse Movement Notification
R2 Jockey Sponsorship Form
Reference Medical Forms
M1 Medical Examination Form
M2 Brain Injury Clearance Form
M3 Illness or Injury Clearance Form
M4 Medical Certificate | Riding When Pregnant
M5 Consent Form | Riding When Pregnant
Reference Breeders Forms
SR3 Notification of Lease for Stud Purposes
SR18 Entry of Mare as a Broodmare to the Studbook
SR22 Request for Identification of a Thoroughbred
SR36A Import Application - Named Racehorse
SR36B Import Application - Broodmare or Stallion
SR36C Import Application - Un-named
Reference Trainer Owner Reform Forms
Agreement Standard Training Agreement
Agreement Standard Lease Agreement
Agreement Standard Co-Owner Agreement
Form Dispute Notice Form
Form Enforcement Action Application Form
Form Notice of Election of Hearing Form
Template Fees Notice Template